
change admin email sql

Change administrator email from the Database

Change the WordPress administration email if we don't have access to the previous email, easy and fast from the Database.
Estándares programación

WordPress Standards for JavaScript and CSS in VSC

Install the WordPress programming standards for JavaScript and CSS/SCSS plus the necessary extensions for use in VSC
Estándares instalados

Installing WordPress standards on Windows 10/11

Installing WordPress standards on Windows 10/11, plus the standards for WooCommerce
phpcs en VSC

Installing WordPress standards on the development server

We installed WordPress and WooCommerce standards on an Ubuntu development server for use with phpcs.
Lando Taberna WordPress

Lando in WSL2: The Right Way

Install Lando in WSL2 in a correct, easy and fast way to perform our WordPress developments in a complete and highly customizable environment.
Delete Posts

Delete all Blog entries by code

With this small code to execute in our WordPress installation we will be able to delete in a few seconds all the Blog entries without going through the recycle garbage can

Extract table of contents from PDF (TOC)

Extract the table of contents (TOC) of a pdf file to manipulate it from a WordPress plugin, for which we will use pdfminer and MuPDF Tools.
ttf to woff2 conversion

Converting TTF variable fonts to WOFF2

How to convert TTF variable fonts to WOFF2 with Google libraries and from our own system, without resorting to third party services.
Divi to Gutenberg

Remove Divi shortcodes

Remove shortcodes generated by Divi on pages and posts, to move the content to the new WordPress editor, Gutenberg. Remove shortcodes from single or multiple entries.
Local TTFB

WordPress, Local and the problems with TTFB

WordPress issues with Local and Windows 10 and the solution to very high TTFB times going from about two seconds to approximately six milliseconds

Using PHPCS and WordPress standards

It is very important that when we write code for ourselves or for our clients, we use standards, in our case WordPress standards.
Cambiar prefijo de tablas

I can’t log in to WordPress administration

If you can't log in to WordPress administration after renaming the MySQL tables prefix, this trick will help you to solve this problem