Taberna WP Blog


WooCommerce problem with extra units

Last Monday a customer informed me of a problem in his e-commerce store: sometimes, when adding a product, two products appeared in the cart.

Multitail, one to control them all

Use multitail to view access and error logs of your hosting in real time without having to install anything on the hosting.

Transfer email accounts between hostings

Copy IMAP mailboxes from one hosting to another, both online and from our computer, to perform a clean and correct mail migration.

Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance

If your WordPress only shows "Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance. Check Back in a Minute.", here's a quick solution to this problem
WordCamp Torrelodones 2024

WordCamp Torrelodones 2024

Summary of the WordCamp Torrelodones 2024, event led by Ana Cirujano and in which I had the honor to participate with the talk WPO con sentidiño: usando las DevTools para acelerar tu web.
change admin email sql

Change administrator email from the Database

Change the WordPress administration email if we don't have access to the previous email, easy and fast from the Database.
Tipografías para programación

The best fonts for programming

The ideal fonts for programming: are monospaced fonts better? what are ligatures and how can we activate them? along with other questions
Estándares programación

WordPress Standards for JavaScript and CSS in VSC

Install the WordPress programming standards for JavaScript and CSS/SCSS plus the necessary extensions for use in VSC
Foto grupal WC Madrid

WordCamp Madrid 2023

My summary of the WordCamp Madrid 2023, where I gave a workshop, sponsored by Lucushost and we collaborated with the WordPress project.
Miniatura del vídeo: Cómo mejorar la velocidad de mi sitio web en WordPress ⚡️ Experto Invitado

How to improve the speed of my WordPress website

Luis R. Silva, a long-time customer of mine, interviewed me a few days ago for his Youtube channel.
MySQL transactions

Using database transactions

Although WordPress does not support transactions, let's see how to use them in the database in our tests to fix problems.
Estándares instalados

Installing WordPress standards on Windows 10/11

Installing WordPress standards on Windows 10/11, plus the standards for WooCommerce
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