Taberna WP Blog

Medios de comunicación

Why I don’t use WhatsApp with my clients

I do not use WhatsApp to communicate with clients, nor do I use the telephone, except on rare occasions. How do I manage communications?
Certificado grado A

WordPress security from Cloudflare

In this article we will see how to improve the security of our WordPress installation directly from Cloudflare by creating WAF rules and security headers.
xmlrpc bloqueado por Cloudflare

WordPress security in three levels

If you are wondering if your website is secure, the quick answer is no, now let's see how to protect your WordPress from three different access levels.

Is my website secure?

No, your website is not secure. Anyone who tells you yes, is cheating you, plain and simple.
Matt y los patrocinadores

WordCamp Europe (Porto): The return

Personal summary of the WordCamp Europe 2022 that took place in Porto in June after two years cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
dpkg-reconfigure locales

Character problems in files

What I always recommend to my clients is that they do not use special characters in file names, whether they are images, pdf files, etc.
Login WordPress multiidioma

Remove login language selector

Remove WordPress login language selector that appears by default since version 5.9 and that we can control with a simple line in our child theme
Lando Taberna WordPress

Lando in WSL2: The Right Way

Install Lando in WSL2 in a correct, easy and fast way to perform our WordPress developments in a complete and highly customizable environment.
Optimus Cache Prime

Load cached pages

With this trick we will be able to preload the cache of all the webs that we manage in a very easy way and from the console of our computer.
salida multitail Nginx

Log tracking with multitail

Monitoring the logs of our WordPress installations with the multitail command that allows us to view several files simultaneously and in real time.

Managing WordPress servers

Linux utility commands for remote administration of WordPress servers and debugging WordPress issues
Consumo CPU servidor Vultr

Limit bots access to our web site by hours

Limit the access of bots to our website by periods, blocking from the Cloudflare firewall with rules that we will activate and deactivate from its API.